Monday, October 21, 2013

28 Weeks!

Well we have reached 28 weeks and are now in the final trimester with our little miss!! I have been feeling good, definitely feeling more pregnant it's getting harder to get in and out of bed now! Haha! We had a doctor's appointment and baby is looking good and her heart rate was good... not so good was my blood pressure. So now I have to collect my urine for 24 hours so they can check for protein in it, if I have protein in my urine  then I have pre clampsia and they need to watch me very closely. I had to do this 24 hour collection with Maggie, so it's nothing new to me. Praying that I don't have pre clampsia, but if I do I know God will take care of me and the baby. Tomorrow I have my 3 hour glucose test, not looking forward to that... hoping I won't get too bored! When we talked to the doctor today he said that he would be shocked if I carried the baby into January, so it seems like we will be meeting our little girl sooner then we thought! I'm ok with her coming early, as long as she is healthy and we get to bring her home!! 
After our appointment today, I felt a little on edge just with the new information we got. However I am very thankful for doctors who are watching me and baby closely and running test necessary to make sure everything is ok. Through this pregnancy I have tried to just fully rely on God and know that he is in control, still trusting him and lifting my worries up to him! 

And so, Lord, where do I put my hope? My only hope is in you. Psalms 39:7

We put our hope in the Lord. He is our help and our shield. Psalms 33:20

Here are some pics from life recently! We took in a little kitty for a few days, but brought him to a shelter today and praying he finds a happy home!! Blessings on your week friends!

We have started to put the dogs in their kennels at night
in preparation for baby... Zeke got bored and destroyed his bed! 

me with little mr.kitty

Beautiful angel rays driving home the other day! Can't
help but think of our babies & my mama
when I see these! 

So tiny and sweet! 

Zeke with his tiny little kitty! He loved licking him! 

Baby girl and I! Hooray for being in the final trimester! 

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