Our little man is walking now and quickly learning to run to keep up with his sister! He's loving being able to keep up with his sister, he's such a sweet baby and makes us laugh all the time with his goofy personality!
Kylie continues to amaze us with how smart she is, I swear she learns several new words daily! She just finished taking a 4 week swimming class at the ymca and loved it!! She could not wait to go swimming, daddy was able to be there for 2 of the lessons which was great! She is a typically 2.5 year and we're doing our best to try and teach her how to deal with her emotions!!
We are so thankful for our babies and that they are happy and healthy... that is honestly the most you can pray and ask for!

As we look ahead in the coming weeks, we are packing up the house and moving.... to MINNESOTA!! This move we thought long and hard about and spent a lot of time in prayer and the Lord has blessed us and supplied many things for us along this process! We will be moving to Two Harbors, MN and will be living 3 blocks from my oldest brother Brain & Sister in law Shannon (and their 4 awesome kiddos)! We will be renting a cute little house with 4 bedrooms, so the kids don't have to share a room anymore which is a huge answer to prayer! Our rent will be half of what we are paying for rent right now, so finically this is a very smart move for us. We are very excited to have a fresh start for our little family, JC has already spoken to the VW dealership in Duluth and will hopefully be starting work there within the first few days of us getting there. I am in conversation with the hiring manager with Walgreens for the Duluth area... so prayers that they can make room for me and that I can transfer as a manager would be much appreciated!
As excited as we are to make this move, we are sad to say bye to family, friends & co workers here. So if you could just keep us in your prayers as these next 2 weeks are going to be very stressful with packing up the house and preparing to say goodbye. We are planning on leaving Sunday August 14th as our current rental agreement ends on the 15th. JC and I will be working until next Friday the 12th... so I'm trying not to stress about finding the time to pack with both of us working full time.

So these are the big big changes happening in our life right now! We appreciate your prayers and look forward to sharing new updates from our new home in Two Harbors, MN!!
xoxoxo Bee
I wish your whole family the very best in your move to MN! My prayers are always with all of you so extra ones will be added for your safe travels and that all goes well for your family in MN. God Bless all of you and keep you healthy and safe during this time of transition. Much love, Aunt Kathy Barber Doyle 8/2/16