Monday, June 25, 2012

Living in a Broken World...

Lately with things going on in my life and with my family it has been more and more evident to me that we live in a broken down and messed up world. It makes me sad to see how corrupt our world has become. Living in such a messed up world as a christian makes it that much more difficult to live a righteous and truthful life. 

However for me I choose to live my life to the fullest and lean on my God in times of trouble... otherwise I would be totally and completely lost. Some days this is more difficult then others, but I choose to continue to look to my God for answers. Yesterday in church the pastor said something that really stuck with me, that life gets in the way of life! How true is that? Things that come into our life that we did not ask for or want get in the way of us living our lives and the lives that we had hoped to live. What matters most is how we react to these situations, being angry at God for what has happen I see as an easy way out, to blame God. 

I truly believe that God uses everything that happens in our lives whether it be good or bad to further his kingdom and to ultimately make our lives better. When you are in the middle of a mess whether it be with your marriage, losing someone you love, experiencing emotional pain, God makes good out of everything! 

And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them. Romans 8:28 or to JC and I our "Maggie Grace verse"! 

I think it took losing our Maggie Grace for JC and I to fully understand this verse, for when you stand in the middle of feeling so emotionally raw you need to know and take comfort in knowing that God will use the situation to better your life! I know that JC and I will be blessed with more children, we may not know when but we know it will happen in God's timing! And when that day comes and we hold our new baby in our arms, we will rejoice that much more and feel God's love that much more! 

Another thing that struck me yesterday at church was how much God cares and who God is and all he has created.

Look up into the heavens. Who created all the stars? He brings them out like an army, one after another, calling each by its name. Because of his great power and incomparable strength, not a single one is missing. Isaiah 40:26

The Lord merely spoke, and the heavens were created. He breathed the word, and all the stars were born. He assigned the sea its boundaries and locked the oceans in vast reservoirs. Psalm 33:6-7

Ok just looking at those two verses I don't know how you would having any doubt in your mind that God doesn't love you. If he took the time to name all the stars in the sky, why wouldn't he love you, forgive you, see you through the dark times, and use your trials and tribulations to better your life? 

I guess what I am trying to say is that even though we live in a messed up world with so much sin we can still find hope and Grace with our God. He created us all and knows our thoughts before we know them and loves us the same! So great to know that we have such a loving God who has our back! 

I hope you all had a great weekend! Mine was busy with a beautiful wedding of one of my best friends... pictures to come!! I will be staying at my dad's house another week to be here for my family and help with some of my favorite little people! Excited to spend more time with them! But I sure am missing my man and my sweet puppies, can't wait to go home and get kisses from my hubby!! 


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