Monday, July 30, 2012

As I Wait...

Wow. I can't believe it is almost August, this summer has flown by and August promises to be our busiest months yet! A lot of fun trips planned, but I am most excited about going to my family cabin with my favorite man and our puppies!! 

As the summer has gone by my heart is waiting for our next baby. Being on Facebook I see so many beautiful babies being born and seeing how happy their parents are, I am so unbelievable happy for them but my heart is just longing for that day for both JC and I. 

Waiting has always been the most difficult thing for me to do, how ever I feel as though God has really instilled in me patients for the wait of our next baby. I feel like I am waiting in a lot of areas in my life; waiting for JC to get hired on here permanently, waiting to find a house that we can officially make our home and buy, waiting to get pregnant. 

I feel like my role of wife of the youth pastor is really starting to take a toll on me, just different aspects are draining me and I really miss him and I just having time with the two of us and it not being taken up or interrupted by something ministry related. I know that his job requires a lot of time outside of the office and I understand that, but I miss my husband. It doesn't help that I have been working a lot also, but this is nice for our bank account do I can't really complain about that and I love my job and my boss! I feel extremely blessed to have this job and look forward to going to work! Anyway I think him being gone for a week at CHIC and then going right back into a busy routine is what is making it hard. It just makes the time that we have together that much sweeter!

I am missing my family a lot these days, this is the first month since we lost Maggie Grace that I have not been able to go down and visit them. I am thankful and excited that my brother Brad and his wife Whitney will be coming for a visit next week with their adorable boys! Can't wait to see them and be with part of my family for a bit! I am also missing JC's family, our east coast family.. his cousin just got married this past weekend and I know that we both wished we could have been there. It is always hard to have distance between you and family... but thank goodness for FaceTime so we can see them and watch Cameron grow and talk, so much fun to hear his little voice! I must say that the little one I am missing the most is my little miss Ryleigh, I miss hearing her little voice say my name, I miss her running up to me and giving me a big hug and a kiss, I miss holding her! I love my nephews with my whole heart but I have always and will always have a strong connection with Ryleigh since the day she was born! I feel honored to be her auntie and her Godmother! I am so excited that they will be moving closer so I can steal her for a weekend!! 

As I wait for the future and all that it holds for JC and I, i continue to lean on God for strength and energy. I am trying to keep a positive attitude and not get too wrapped up in the future and I know that God has many great things in our future, I just know it! 

Be still in the presence of the LORD, and wait patiently for him to act. Psalm 37:7

Worry weighs a person down; an encouraging word cheers a person up. Proverbs 12:25

"That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life whether you have enough food and drink, or enough clothes to wear. Isn't life more than food, and your body more than clothing?" Matthew 6:25

"You alone are the LORD. You made the skies and the heavens and all the stars. You made earth and the seas and everything in them. You preserve them all, and the angels of heaven worship you." Nehemiah 9:6

Well tomorrow JC and I are heading off for destination unknown with a group of students and will be gone all day, it should be lots of fun and great weather too! We are in the middle of a huge order at work, so I am sure I will be putting in more hours this week. I hope you all have a blessed week... here are some pics from this weekend!


My Boys! 

P and Me!

JC jokes that Zoey looks like a loaf of bread when she lays like this! 

Bring your wife to work day! I helped him move into his new office!

Have to have a Superman poster  in your office when your a youth pastor
And our sweet Maggie Grace's handprints! 

Awesome stuff my brother made for JC! 

Love this man!

Came into work on saturday and my boss had an ice tea waiting for me
one of the many reasons I love working for her! 

JC and I hosted an Olympic opening ceremonies party for the teens! 

My first cupcake cake, it was fun to make! Looking forward to
making more in the future! 

A close up, not perfect but pretty good! 
Love coming home to my furry kids! 

Peek a boo! Hi Zeke! 


  1. It is a wonderful thing to miss and yearn for your husband! Just think how sad you would be if you didn't want to see him.... Have patience my dear friend a sweet little baby will be in your belly soon enough!

  2. Hey Dani! I tried looking for your blog but I couldn't find it... maybe I had the name wrong? What is it again?!! I love you girly and hope I get to see you when I'm in the cities in a couple of weeks!
