To My Dearest Maggie Grace,
Today you would be turning 6 months old, how the time has flown by. There is not a day that goes by that I don't think about you my sweet baby girl. I often think about what you would look like and what you would be learning to do, what your sweet voice would sound like, if you would still have all of that beautiful thick hair you were born with, what you would look like in daddy's arms as he sings you to sleep. I even wonder what your cry would sound like, what your sweet little giggle would sound like. Oh my sweet girl mommy misses you oh so much and wishes you could be here with mommy and daddy! We waited so long to meet you, I enjoyed every minute of having you grow in my tummy, watching you move and most of all watching you have hiccups almost everyday!
I know that daddy misses you just as much as I do, we talk about you often and like to say that no baby is as beautiful as ours is! I can picture him as if it was yesterday touching my tummy feeling you move with his eyes lit up and a big smile on his face. How you were our entertainment at night as we sat on the couch next to each other watching you move, we would laugh every time you got the hiccups because it happened so often! Daddy took such good care of mommy when she was pregnant, giving me nightly back rubs and towards the end bringing me breakfast in bed! Your daddy is truly amazing, and I know how proud of you he is! My prayer for you while you were growing in my tummy was for you to have a heart for God and I think you had the biggest heart for God!
As much as I miss you and wish that you were here with us now, I know that you are in a much better place with a Heavenly Father who loves you so much and your Grandma Honey who I am sure is keeping you all to herself! I know that you are much more happy being there then you ever would be down here, and know that mommy and daddy can't wait to officially meet you and hold you again some day! I hope you are having fun and enjoying your time in Heaven my beautiful girl! I hope that Grandma Honey and the angels are teaching you to sing and that Grandma Honey is teaching you to dance, she loved to dance so I have no doubt that she is teaching you!
I hope you know how many people your short life affected and how proud daddy and I are to call you our daughter! Thank you for teaching both daddy and I a huge lesson in life and for blessing us with your life, we know that your story did, still is and will continue to touch people's lives! You will always be our first born, our Maggie Grace, and our guardian angel... thank you again for your life baby girl!
P.S. You can tell your siblings to come down here as soon as they are ready!
Love, Mommy
Maggie Grace's Verse:
And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them. Romans 8:28
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