Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas Eve!

As tonight is Christmas eve and we reflect on the birth of Christ... I found myself thinking about our Maggie Grace and how I was only a week away from my due date this time last year. Pastor Darren talked about the tiny hands of the baby Jesus, and my mind turned to Maggie's tiny hands. I am so thankful for baby Jesus and what his birth and death symbolizes, and I feel guilty that thoughts of our Maggie Grace flooded my thoughts tonight. I kept myself busy all day baking, so I didn't think much about Maggie until we were pulling into the church parking lot. Thinking about how we would have an almost one year old with us and that she would be all dressed up for Christmas. I guess what I am trying to say is that I am missing my baby Maggie and I am so unbelievably thankful for this new baby growing inside me! Praying that you all have a wonderful Christmas surrounded by family and people that love you! We are heading to my Dad's house tomorrow and I could not be more excited to spend time with my fam! Here are a few pics from our week!! 


Day:19 Starts with S... Santa

Day:20 Weather... more and more snow!

Zoey falling asleep/ falling off the chair as Grandpa pets her! 

Day: 21 Tree

Wearing my new scarf that my SIL made me! 

Day:22 Decoration... the nativity scene, the only decoration that
matters during the Christmas season! 

This is what happens when the Barber men get together
The tools come out and they fix stuff! 

Day: 23 Joy is... having my fur baby cuddle up next to me! 

Merry Christmas from the Barber's!! 

Father and Son on Christmas Eve! 

Day: 24 Tradition... baking Christmas cookies, baking
today made me miss my mom like crazy! 

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