Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Trading in our Snow Boots

Well it's official we are moving to Florida in two short weeks!! Yikes! We have a lot to do and to pack in that short amount of time! So far we have been able to sell a number of our furniture, which is good because the house in FL has furniture already! We are looking forward to trading our winter boots for flip flops, especially because the temperature here in the Falls has been in the negative more then the positive digits lately! We seem to just keep getting more and more snow! So I'm just counting down the days until we are in warm weather with blue skies and palm trees!! 

On the flip side my heart is sad to say goodbye to my family and our church family here in the Falls. We have met so many wonderful people here, some that have become like our second family. The hardest part is that distance will keep me from saying goodbye to most of my family members... Dad and Mary will be in Thailand when we leave and time and distance will keep me from saying goodbye to Brian, Shannon and the kids... hoping I will at least be able to say good bye to Brad, Whitney and the kids. 

Saying goodbye to International Falls will be difficult, but at the same time this town holds a lot of pain personally for JC and I. It's hard for me to think about when we moved here we were expecting our Maggie Grace and hoping to welcome our first baby...instead we have said goodbye to two babies here. So we think that Florida will be a wonderful fresh new start and hopefully God willing the place where we will welcome a baby (or babies!). We are super excited to see what God has planned for us and how he will use us in our new church!! Oh and I am super excited to be able to take our pups on daily walks... even in the middle of the winter!! Hopefully it will help me shed some of these extra pounds I need to loose! 

Now off to pack and organize! Hope you are all having a wonderful week, here are some pics from the last few days!! 


Our boy is 1 year old now!! 

I have been wanting to put together a shadow box for our
Maggie Grace, so here it is! 

Sorting through clothes and jackets to donate! 

Cuddle time with my favorite teddy bear
when JC was gone and I was having a hard night.

Thankful that our Zoey is healthy again!
She was sick for about 4 days.

He loves cuddling on my lap!

The pupcakes I made for Zeke's Birthday!

JC snuck this picture the other night, yes we were
both passed out a sleep! 

Story of my life and words I live by!

1 comment:

  1. Words cannot even describe how happy I am that you two are coming! I was definitely doing my happy dance when I found out the great news!! My prayers are with you and JC as you prepare for the big move. Can't wait to see you!!! ~Myranda
