Tuesday, July 15, 2014


Moving as often as we have I am used to having to say "see ya later" to many people, friends and family. I go through my spurts of missing home home which is Minnesota for me, but lately the last few weeks I have been so overly homesick. And with money as tight as it is right now (we barely have enough left each week to buy groceries) I don't see it being possible to visit home anytime soon. This makes my heart so sad... I want Kylie to meet SO many people in MN. My heart will always be with my family in MN, and there are people there that I know would love to meet our Kylie Joy. Maybe me being so homesick is hitting me hard now because Kylie is getting so big (she'll be 7 months tomorrow!!) she is learning so many new things and I wish my family could experience all these firsts with us. I know God has placed us in NH for a reason and being close to JC's family is wonderful & I'm so thankful for my SIL Cassie and that we are as close as we are... but nothing beats being home! 
My world.
I haven't seen 3 of my nephews & my oldest brother Brian in close to 2 years... wow! How I long to see these faces and hug those not so little boys and see them meet their cousin for the first time in person! I know this will happen sometime, I only wish it could be sooner rather than later! 
So as of now I just look forward to that day and try and focus on the positives in my life. I am so thankful for JC's Dad and him welcoming us with open arms into his home, and for this beautiful place (Pilgrim Pines) that we call home now. My God is faithful and continues to provide for us week by week and for that we are thankful and find comfort in knowing that we have a God that loves us so much and provides for us! Here are a few pics of the sweet little babe for you! Blessings on your week friends!


My mornings; hanging with my peanut and reading her
my devo for the day & scripture.

LOVE this face! 

4th of July! 

Family walk around the lake!

Introduced Kylie to her big sister Maggie Grace the other day! 

Mommy needs cuddles too! 

Daddy kisses! 

Getting ready to crawl any day now! 

Seriously, such a beautiful place to run! 

All clean! 

"Does this diaper make my butt look big?" Couldn't pass on
this tank top! 

Fun with my peanut! She's getting good at taking selfies with me
and loves holding mommy's phone! 

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