Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Mommy Life

Well now that JC and I have switched roles and I'm home with our little peanut, life has changed once again! I am so unbelievable happy that God has proved JC with a job so that I can stay home with my little love... being a stay at home mom is all I have ever wanted to be! I love waking up to her smiling face in the morning and seeing her grow and her cute personality develop... she loves giggling when we tickle her and she has been talking a lot more. Being in full time mommy mode feels great! I have been getting out and going for walks/runs around the lake (its about 3 miles) I am hoping to train and run a 5K this fall, and hoping to shed a few pounds in the process! I love living on the lake and being able to be out in God's creation everyday! Here are a few pics from the last week, blessings to you my friends & I hope you are having a great week!


After my first walk/run! She did great... slept the whole time! 

Happy girl! Full of smiles! 

Love this little lady's hands! 

Daddy with his big tool box for work! (he accepted a mechanic
position with the Volkswagen dealership)

Cute baby feet!

Look at those pretty eyes! 

cloudy, but beautiful day! 

On our walk today! 

She is almost asleep here... slept most of the walk! 

I love putting ponytails in her hair! I call it her whale spout! 

1 comment:

  1. She is just the CUTEST!!! Loooove those sparkly eyes. Way to go on the 5k goal- you're going to rock it. LOVE YOU!
