Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Finding the Balance...

Being a mommy is probably the toughest, most rewarding & best job I have ever had!! I am finding that my life these days is all about balance. Taking care of Kylie, attempting to cook dinner (now that JC's is working full time) going for my runs/walk, being a wife, finding some "me" time, and the list goes on! I know all mom's feel this way... but it's so important to keep your priorities straight. Some days I don't make time for my devotional and on those days I know I struggle and that day is not as great as I know it could have been with my God time. 
I have been praying recently for myself to become less selfish, more giving, and for God to reveal to me what his plans are. I know that last part is something that may not come quickly. I know that God has given me my story for a reason and I want to reach out to people, help people, and bring people to Christ through my story and experiences. I have been playing with the idea of possibly writing a book... this thought comes with some fear and uncertainty. I am trying to work through those feelings, but I feel God's whisper that this is something I should do! 
These days I am spending time in prayer and working on being thankful for everything in my life, even the things that aren't going well. Being thankful for my problems is something I never thought about before starting to read my devotional... but it's a great thing to do, gives you the chance to grow and to rely on God even in the hardest times! 
The over all summary of this post is that I am working on me, trying to become a better person & praying God will lead me & us in the next stage of life! Life is ever changing and there are always problems, but I know that I serve a God who stays the same & gives me the strength I need for each and everyday, and I am thankful for this! Hope you all had a great weekend, my Mother's Day was wonderful and filled with lots of love and laughter with our little peanut! Blessings on your day friend!

Yup, cutest baby ever!! :)

Mom runs, baby sleeps, we enjoy being outside! It's a win for everyone! 

My girl on Mother's Day! 

My Mother's Day summed up in a pic, family walk around the lake, rings from my love & I planted
three different colored flowers in honor of all my babies! 

Kylie had a checkup and shots yesterday...
She's 14.5 lbs & 24 inchs, still a peanut but she's healthy, strong & growing!
I am one thankful mama for this sweet babe! 

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