Tuesday, March 5, 2019


I love to run!... I know you're thinking I'm crazy, but let me tell you a little bit about my running journey thus far.

I started running in 2009 to help lose weight before JC and I got married, I more so did it to make sure I was getting my cardio in. Then before a got pregnant with Kylie I began to run again to help lose weight again, fast forward to after I had Kylie and we moved to NH {2014} and that is when I truly fell in love with running. 
June 2014

Running became my therapy, my safe space, time to get out of my head and just be me. I enjoyed the summer runs most, when I would push Kylie as I ran around Swanzey Lake. Most the time she would fall asleep and I got to listen to my music. 

October 2015 first 5k
Then along came my Micah boy and that single jogging stroller turned into a double as I started training for my first 5K. I pushed myself physically and was so surprised when running seem to become just a little bit easier with each training run. I ran my first race in October 2015, it was a tough trail run... but I did it I finished my first 5k and I loved the feeling of accomplishment and crossing that finish line.

Then I decided to do an even crazier thing and signed up to run a 10 mile race! Yup I jumped right from doing a 5k (3.1 miles) to running in a 10 miler! I trained with my sister in law who was an amazing encourager and help me so much during my first serious training process.  

June 2016 10 miler

June approached and it was time to run those 10 miles, I was excited and nervous. With my SIL by my side I ran those 10 miles, walked a little but I didn't care... by goal was to cross that finish line and I did! 

Then we moved to MN and I had all new territory to figure out my runs, it was fun and I tried to keep up with running as much as possible. Fast forward to 2018 and I was itching for another challenge... and then I signed up for my first half marathon!! Training was a learn process all over again, I join a mom's running club based in Duluth. I'm so glad I did, I met amazing women and had an incredible support team as I trained! I learned that I dislike shorter runs (3miles and under) but that my sweet spot was for about 6 miles! I struggled through an IT band injury about a month out from running my first half, I did break down to tears when running hurt so bad and thought about quitting and not running the race... but I rested and race day came. I was nervous having not run the 2 weeks leading up to race day, by mile 11 my legs were jello and my back hurt. But I pushed and finished the last 2 miles in pain... but I crossed the finish line!! 

June 2018 first half marathon
I tell you all of this background history of my running not to brag but to show you the times that I have pushed through to get to the finish line. Running for me is not just a form of exercise, it's a form of therapy. Many days I don't feel like running, but I push myself and at the end of the day I am so glad I did! Running is so much like life, there are times of pain, unknown territory, crying, excitement, and to get to the finish line. I have learned so much about myself through the process of running and training. Running takes more than just the physical ability, it takes mental strength too. I have learned that I am so much tougher and stronger than I ever thought I could be. Running has been the first "hobby" that I have stuck with and have finished! Years ago I would have told you that my stress relief was baking and now, well now it's running. I am not the fastest, thinnest runner you will see, but to me that does not matter. What matters is how running makes me feel. If a leave for a run in a bad or crabby mood, I will return in a much better mood. Running makes me such a better, wife, mom, friend and all around person. I can tell when it's been too long since a run... I am stressed and have little patients. 

I guess what I am trying to encourage you to do is find your stress reliever... find something in life that sets your soul on fire and makes you feel free. I am so thankful that God gave me a healthy body and legs that I am able to run. I'm thankful for a hubby who puts up with training schedules and allows me to get out of the house to get in my therapy. Stay tuned for the next race update... I may already have one in mind! 


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